Monday, April 28, 2008
A Lot of Changes in the Past Week
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Busy Week
I've done a whole dandelion series of art. I'm in luv with dandelions right now. I actually sold one of them today in one of my larger sizes (happy, happy, happy). Here's all my new photographs:
I guess I HAVE been pretty busy the last few days lol. I talked to my mom the other night, she's all excited about the Riverfest thing. She's excited about me opening my Etsy store period. I've finally found my niche, the thing that I'm good at that makes me happy. I'm looking forward to it all :).
Monday, April 14, 2008
I actually have more time to post now...
Changed my Blog again LOL
Richard cooked an an especially yummy meal in the crockpot this weekend, meat and potatoes, green peppers, lots of veggies all mixed together. It was pretty awesome. Crockpots are wonderful inventions. Gotta go to work now. I'll post new art when I get back and possibly some other things. I have tomorrow off so I'll get it all organized here.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Changed the look of my blog....
These are a little different than some of my others, I think it's good to be versatile :). I really like these, probably becauses rain is one of my favorite things (unless I'm driving in it lol).
So, it's the weekend. We were supposed to go to some kind of cookout but it didn't pan out. I'm glad, it gives me more time to stay home and get things like updating my blogs done :). Our naughty puppies are outside which means no peeing in the house by our newest one (Velvet). She seems to be a verrrrry sloooow learner. It's a little frustrating. Although we had some issues training Sesame too. They're all behind us now though, how quickly we forget lol. I made breakfast for everybody this morning...sausage, eggs,, and toast. We had some sliced mango with it yesterday morning, it was yummy. It's good to be home :).
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I don't have to be at work till 9:30 tomorrow, I'm so happy about that. I have over an hour commute to work everyday so when I have to be there early I have to get up super early. I'm going to end up having my own business also when my art gets established. I'm not sure when that will be, just that it's going to happen. Here are my Happy Cloud Photos from yesterday:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Featured Artist of the Week!
She did such an awesome job with my interview..she added all the links and photos herself. What a great Etsy Artisan! When you go to her blog, please click on her shop links and check out the amazing jewelry she makes!
Here is the art I did the day before yesterday: